Universidad de Antioquia

The CMS team at Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia is involved with colleagues from other institutes in analysis mainly looking for dark matter signals and beyond-the-Standard-Model physics. They are also part of the Muon and GEMs subsystem team, cooperating with the Cosmic Stand tests of the GEMs chambers in terms of hardware tests and software development. The team is also starting a collaboration to study GEMs materials at home (Medellín, Colombia) in an interdisciplinary group of engineers, chemists and physicists, and is looking forward to help with optical communications and embedded systems. Finally, the group is cooperating with the development of ROOT, the computer tools used to analyse particle-physics data and one of the group’s members has worked towards the integration of the R statistics program and ROOT.

About Universidad de Antioquia

From: Colombia

CMS member since: 2017

Website: http://gfif.udea.edu.co/web/


In October 1992, a ‘Letter of Intent’ was submitted to the LHC Experiments Committee (LHCC), offically marking the formation of the CMS Collaboration. This website commemorates the 25th anniversary of CMS, celebrated in 2017.