The Cyprus HEP group joined CMS in September 1995. The group has been a member of the consortium responsible for manufacturing the Barrel Yoke and vacuum tank of the CMS magnet, and has participated in the construction of ECAL, of a specialised station to control its VFE boards, and test beams to calibrate and monitor its performance. Members of the group have contributed to searches for mini black holes due to extra space-time dimensions and rare events as products of their decay processes, have worked on correcting the energy deposited in “dead crystals” of ECAL, have developed search strategies for dark matter candidates of supersymmetric origin, and have helped determine the mass of supersymmetric particles based on toy Monte Carlo generator and fast detector simulation.
The group’s contributions towards physics analysis includes reconstructing known particles for calibration purposes, studying the performance and data quality of the ECAL and the Tracker, studying the identification of muons from decays of known particles, studying Bose-Einstein Correlations between pairs of identical particles, measuring the properties of b quarks using muons and searching for supersymmetric Higgs bosons. The group currently works on searches for additional Higgs-like bosons and the optimisation of the CMS Trigger. For Phase-2 Upgrades, the group participates in the construction of the High-Granularity Calorimeter and testing its electronics.
From: Cyprus
CMS member since: 1995