Ghent University has been a member of CMS since 2007. The CMS-Ghent group consists of two staff members, three postdocs and eight PhD students at the moment.
Since the beginning of its participation in CMS, Ghent has been contributing to the muon system. In the past, the group actively took part in the commissioning and operation of the RPC muon system and was one of the leading institutes involved in the chamber construction for the fourth RPC endcap station that was installed during LS1. Today, Ghent is focusing on the Phase-2 Upgrade of the muon system. The group is taking part in the chamber assembly for the first Muon-GEM endcap station to be installed during LS2 and is also involved in RPC longevity studies at the CERN GIF++ facility.
The group’s main physics interests with CMS are top-quark-related measurements (including top-quark properties and top pair production in association with W/Z bosons) and physics beyond the Standard Model (including searches for electroweak supersymmetry, heavy Higgs bosons and sterile neutrinos).
From: Belgium
CMS member since: 2007