Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has been a member of CMS since 2016. At the moment, the IISc-CMS group consists of two professors, four PhD students and one Master’s student.
At present, the group participates in software development and High-Level Trigger (HLT) studies as part of the b-tagging group and tau-lepton identification at CMS. Jyothsna serves as Level-3 subgroup convener for b-tagging software and algorithms group, and her student, Praveen, is serving as Level-3 subgroup convener for b-tagging HLT group. Somnath serves as a member of CMS Conference Committee. The group’s main physics interests are dark matter searches with heavy quarks and Higgs physics in the Standard Model and beyond, especially in decays to tau leptons.
From: India
CMS member since: 2016