The Pisa group has been a member of CMS collaboration since 1993. The current group composition is of 18 staff members, three PhD students, two post-docs and about ten engineers and technicians. On average four students per year work on their bachelor’s degree thesis within the Pisa group.
The group is active on data analysis, detectors R&D and computing. In particular they are involved on Higgs physics in various final states (bb, ττ, μμ, double-Higgs production), BSM searches, B physics as well as high-precision EWK measurements (W mass measurement).
The Pisa group has historically had a leading role in R&D and construction of high-precision silicon detectors. They contributed to the Tracker Inner Barrel (TIB) development, assembly and installation, as well as the Pixel Phase-1 Upgrade R&D and construction. They are now looking forward to contributing to the Phase-2 Upgrade, in particular in the development of the new outer silicon tracker and the new pixel inner detector.
Pisa also hosts one of the bigger Tier-2 sites of CMS and the group is deeply involved in various computing management activities.