The Rome group has been active in CMS for more than 20 years. It contributed to the design, R&D and construction of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter, and has also been involved in the commissioning, maintenance and operations of this sub-detector. The members of the group have also carried out extensive studies of the ECAL and optimal reconstruction and identification of electrons and photons. The group has therefore played a major role in the search, discovery and study of the Higgs boson, mainly in the Higgs-to-two-photons channel. Over time, the coordination of several physics groups, especially in the Higgs sector and in the search for new physics searches, as well as detector groups, regarding ECAL, jets and missing-transverse-energy calibration, has been assigned to members of the Rome group. At present, the group is also involved in Standard Model analyses, like the measurement of the W mass, and in the Phase-2 Upgrade of the ECAL detector. It has 12 members with a permanent position in Università Sapienza of Rome and INFN Rome, and, on average, about two postdocs, three PhD students and three undergraduate students per year.
From: Italy
CMS member since: 1993