The University of Iowa group has been a member of CMS for more than 20 years, joining in 1993. Yasar Onel, the founder of the Iowa-CMS group, first proposed the Hadronic Forward (HF) calorimeter concept with Dave Winn in 1994. The Iowa group led the design, construction, installation and commissioning of the HF calorimeter as an international effort along with US, Turkish and Russian groups. They also contributed to the design and construction of the Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC), including the crane for this detector. Iowa graduate students worked on the FPIX Phase-1 Upgrade.
The Iowa group is currently finishing the Phase-1 Upgrade of the HF, including upgrade of the photomultiplier tubes and associated electronics, and working on the Phase-2 Upgrade of the Hadronic Endcap (HE) calorimeter. Additionally they are contributing to the HGCAL/BH and the Phase-2 OT projects. The Iowa group’s physics with CMS data spans searches for new physics including SUSY, to exotic meson spectroscopy and Higgs searches. The Iowa group led the discovery of a new resonance in the J/ΨΦ spectrum at 4140 MeV. Eleven Iowa graduate students have written their PhD theses using CMS data. Current Iowa PIs are Yasar Onel and Jane Nachtman.
From: USA
CMS member since: 1993