The University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” is the oldest and the biggest university in Bulgaria. A group of researchers from the Faculty of Physics has participated in the CMS project since 1991. Bulgarian physicists were responsible for the Hadron Calorimeter System’s computer simulations, design, production of prototypes and their tests at the SPS beams. They took part in the HCAL calibration and development of methods for energy reconstruction. The absorber plates of the barrel HCAL were produced in Bulgaria. The Sofia-CMS team has a significant contribution in the design, production, installation and commissioning of the CMS RPC system as well. Currently, the main responsibilities of the group are connected with data taking, RPC system maintenance and running, Muon system upgrade, CMS computing and Physics analysis. A CMS Centre and Tier-3 cluster were established and are functioning at the University of Sofia.
From: Bulgaria
CMS member since: 1992