The CMS Warsaw group is composed of physicists from two institutes: the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw and the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ).
The group is an active member of the CMS Trigger group since 1992. For Run 1 they developed, built, operated and maintained the RPC-based Level-1 PAttern muon Comparator Trigger system (PACT). At the moment (2017) the group is involved in the Overlap Muon Track Finder trigger (OMTF). This new muon trigger component, designed, built and operated by Warsaw, reconstructs Level-1 muon candidates in a difficult region of barrel and endcaps overlap. It uses signals from all muon detector and dedicated algorithms, optimised for this region. Physics interests of the group include studies of the Higgs boson with the tau-tau decay mode, searches for heavy stable charged particle, QCD and quark-gluon-plasma physics. The group also contributes to various parts of CMS reconstruction software.