Physics Institute IIIB of RWTH Aachen University

The Physics Institute IIIB (led by Prof. em. G. Flügge and since December 2004 by Prof. A. Stahl) from the RWTH Aachen University is working on the CMS Strip Tracker and various physics analysis topics.

In the first years the group developed MicroStrip Gas Chambers (MSGC) and later after the decision for a full silicon Tracker they worked on the modules for the Tracker endcap on the positive side of CMS (TEC+). Together with other institutes, the I. Physics Institute B of the RWTH Aachen built the full TEC+ subsystem and transported it to CERN in 2006, where it was integrated into CMS.

The analysis work in the late 1990s was concentrated on the physics of top quarks. Later, the focus was shifted in the direction of the physics with tau leptons, Higgs physics and lepton-flavour violations.

For the operation at the HL-LHC, the inner silicon detector will be renewed. The work for the planned installation in the year 2023 is already in full swing. The Aachen IIIB group is working on the so-called 2S detector modules whose sensitive areas are made of two silicon strip sensors; the data of these modules will be used in the future Level-1 Trigger.

About Physics Institute IIIB of RWTH Aachen University

From: Germany

CMS member since: 1994



In October 1992, a ‘Letter of Intent’ was submitted to the LHC Experiments Committee (LHCC), offically marking the formation of the CMS Collaboration. This website commemorates the 25th anniversary of CMS, celebrated in 2017.