The University of Bristol joined CMS not long after the LOI was submitted. During construction, the group worked on the ECAL endcaps and the Level-1 Trigger, and made major contributions to data workflow management before and during Run 1. Early physics activities included some of the first measurements in the top sector, and searches for heavy gauge bosons. The group pioneered the triggers and analysis searching for stopped long-lived particles. Ongoing physics efforts include searches for non-SM physics in hadronic signatures with missing transverse momentum, and SM measurements of top pair production.
Group members continue to maintain the L1 trigger, and participate in Run Coordination and Tracker M&O activities.
Bristol played a leading role in the Phase-1 L1 Trigger upgrade, and are now contributing to Phase-2 Upgrade R&D on the L1 Trigger, Tracker and calorimeters.
From: United Kingdom
CMS member since: 1992