The CIEMAT High-Energy Physics group joined CMS in the early stages of the collaboration, and has remained involved in several sub-projects ever since. Initially the group participated in the design proposal of a very forward calorimeter, and later on joined the muon project, taking a major role in the design and assembly of one of the main components of the central muon detector, the Drift Tubes and their readout electronics, as well as the alignment system of these chambers with respect to the inner tracker. Almost 30% of the Drift Tubes from the muon spectrometer were assembled in Madrid. The group’s leading participation in the setup, commissioning and operation of the DT detector spans more than 20 years, with major contribution to the muon group, general run coordination and the detector performance groups (DPG).
The CIEMAT CMS group plays a major role in LHC physics analysis, with strong contributions to the study of electroweak interactions, the top quark, the Higgs boson and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. The group is also involved in the development of simulation and reconstruction software, and production of Monte Carlo events. CIEMAT also co-funds and manages the Spanish Tier-1 (PIC), and hosts on site one of the CMS Tier-2s in Spain.
The group is currently engaged in the study and design of additional components for the DT detector that will be needed in the future for the operation of CMS under a higher luminosity regime. In particular the local electronics for readout and trigger will be redesigned and assembled. The CIEMAT group has a leading role in this upgrade operation. The CIEMAT Particle Physics Unit was recently awarded the accreditation as “Unit of Excellence” by the Spanish State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation. Their contributions to CMS were fundamental assets for this achievement.
From: Spain
CMS member since: 1992