Carnegie Mellon University has been a member of CMS since 1994. As of the summer of 2017, the CMU group consists of three professors, one emeritus professor, one research scientist, one postdoc and five PhD graduate students all contributing to CMS.
The CMU group has originally been involved in the CMS muon system and was essential in designing and building the anode front-end electronics for the CMS endcap muon Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) system. The current involvement in CMS focuses on the operation of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) where CMU has institutional responsibility for the Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) of ECAL and also contributes one of the two ECAL Run Coordinators. The data analysis areas of interest to the group members include the quarkonium system as well as searches for physics beyond the Standard Model in the forms of Supersymmetry with photons in the final state and a fourth-generation top-like quark. The CMU group is also involved in module construction for the HL-LHC High-Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) project.
From: USA
CMS member since: 1994