Charles University

The Charles University (CUNI) group from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (FMP) has participated in CMS since 1992, before the formal decision was made and agreements signed. When RDMS-CMS Project was formed in 1995, the CUNI group became a member of the RDMS-CMS Collaboration. At present the group consists of one professor, one senior researcher, one doctoral student, three non-doctoral students, one software engineer and two engineers.

The CUNI group was actively involved in the development of the CMS ECAL. In particular, there was group participation in the development of technology for mass production of radiation hard lead-tungstate scintillators, in the performing of systematic studies of the scintillators’ behaviour in radiation fields and in the testing of the overall ECAL performance. As a member of RDMS, the CUNI group participates in the HCAL Phase-1 Upgrade. It involves exchange of HPD photomultipliers for SiPM and upgrade of related electronics and read-out systems to improve track reconstruction of hadronic showers. The CUNI group is largely involved in HCAL DPG in following areas: Calibration, Databases, DQM, Validation and Overall performance studies. The CUNI group’s main physics interests are the study of Higgs boson’s properties, Drell-Yan studies, search for new physics behind Standard Model and Supersymmetry.

About Charles University

From: Czech Republic

CMS member since: 1995



In October 1992, a ‘Letter of Intent’ was submitted to the LHC Experiments Committee (LHCC), offically marking the formation of the CMS Collaboration. This website commemorates the 25th anniversary of CMS, celebrated in 2017.