The Georgian group

The Georgian group at CMS consists of scientists from the two biggest State Universities of Georgia: Georgian Technical University (GTU) and Tbilisi State University (TSU).

Physicists from Georgia have been involved in CMS since the very beginning. Georgian scientists have participated in technical design work and were co-authors of the 1996 TDR. During the initial stages, the Georgian group worked on the physics programme of the experiment as well as on the construction of the HCAL and ECAL detectors together with the other RDMS CMS groups. Nowadays, thanks to increasing support from the Georgian government, the activity of the Georgian CMS group has grown. The group has contributed to the RPC detectors of the muon system as well as to the HCAL.

The Georgian group is involved in CMS IT programmes and in the development of the CMS Geometry working packages. The group participates in both local (RPC, HCAL) and central shifts, and in data acquisition.

The group’s future plans are related to the Phase-2 Upgrade (RPC, HCAL) and construction of the HGCAL detector sub-system.

About The Georgian group

From: Georgia

CMS member since: 1992


In October 1992, a ‘Letter of Intent’ was submitted to the LHC Experiments Committee (LHCC), offically marking the formation of the CMS Collaboration. This website commemorates the 25th anniversary of CMS, celebrated in 2017.