HEPHY is a founding member of CMS and has contributed to the design and construction of the Trigger and Tracking systems. Recently, the HEPHY-CMS group delivered the Phase-1 Upgrade of the Barrel Muon Track Finder, the Global Muon and the Global Trigger, and is responsible for the operation and continuous development of these systems. The institute is now concentrating on the Phase-2 Upgrade of the Tracker and HGCAL. Their main contribution will be the development and production of the silicon sensors for both sub-detectors.
The group has a strong interest and involvement in searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, in particular in SUSY searches. More recently, the group has also participated in Quarkonia studies and measurements of Higgs boson’s properties. Furthermore, they developed the SModelS tool to help in the interpretation of LHC results using Simplified Model Spectra.
From: Austria
CMS member since: 1992
Website: http://www.hephy.at