Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria

The IFCA group has contributed to CMS in detector tasks and physics analysis. The group initially contributed to the Muon System, building and operating and opto-mechanical alignment system (the Link System) relating the Tracker and the muon system. The group has also had a strong contribution to Grid computing (IFCA hosts part of the Tier-2 Spanish centre). The group participates very actively in Physics Object Group activities: Muon, b-tagging, missing transverse energy, etc. and in several Physics Analysis Groups groups, from Higgs to Top, SM and Exotica. The group’s physics interests mainly concentrate on Higgs production (WW decay channel), WW and WZ production, and top cross-section, and now they focus on searches for dark matter searches in mono-Higgs and ttbar+DM channels as well as searches for stops (Supersymmetric partners of the top quark).

For the high-luminosity phase, the group’s detector effort has shifted to Pixels, where they are committed to the construction of the Phase-2 Pixel Tracker, and the test of radiation-hard 3D sensors for the innermost pixel layers.

About Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria

From: Spain

CMS member since: 1994



In October 1992, a ‘Letter of Intent’ was submitted to the LHC Experiments Committee (LHCC), offically marking the formation of the CMS Collaboration. This website commemorates the 25th anniversary of CMS, celebrated in 2017.