INFN Sezione di Bari

The Bari-CMS Group started contributing to CMS in 1995. Since then, about 90 physicists, engineers, technicians and students have been part of the group. The Bari Group is involved in the Tracker and the Muon system as well as in Computing and Data Analysis.

For the Tracker, the Bari group first took part in the intense R&D campaign for the choice of the best technology for the silicon-strip sensors for TIB and later in the modules’ construction. In particular, Bari has been one of the centres equipped with a gantry for the automatic assembling of TIB modules. More recently, the Bari group has been one of the production centres for the pixel modules of the new Pixel Detector for the Phase-1 Upgrade and is now working towards the production of the PS modules for the new Tracker Detector for the HL-LHC.

For the Muon system, the Bari group has been the leading group in all phases of the project, from the design to the construction and installation of the barrel RPC detectors. In the starting R&D phase the Bari group has contributed to the improvement of the RPC detector to adapt it to operate in CMS. Recently, the Bari group is working on the RPC improvements for the HL-LHC, and is especially involved in the design and production of GEM detectors for GE1/1 muon system upgrade and in the GE2/1 R&D activities for the HL-LHC.

The Bari group contributed to the development of the computing infrastructure for CMS and is presently involved in many computing activities. Bari hosts one Tier-2 site. The computing centre in Bari has also attracted biologists and environmental data analysts interested in using these computing resources for their studies.

The Bari group is also involved in data analysis activities. The main commitments are in studying the decays and measuring the properties of the Higgs boson, in searches for dark matter, in the search for high-mass resonances in the di-lepton final state and in B-physics.

Currently the Bari-CMS group has about 40 people.

About INFN Sezione di Bari

From: Italy

CMS member since: 1995


In October 1992, a ‘Letter of Intent’ was submitted to the LHC Experiments Committee (LHCC), offically marking the formation of the CMS Collaboration. This website commemorates the 25th anniversary of CMS, celebrated in 2017.