The Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC) Strasbourg group has been involved in the CMS Tracker since the beginning, in 1992. Until 1999, our contribution was dedicated to MicroStrip Gas Chambers (MSCG) for the forward Tracker, having a leading and coordination role in the design, construction and prototype tests. After the choice of a full silicon Tracker in 2000, the group was responsible for the design and production of the front-end hybrids, of the design of the online database, of the online diagnostic system and of the control/command framework for the whole micro-strip Tracker.
The group was also in charge of the assembly of a large part of a Tracker endcap and was responsible for the final functionality tests of the Tracker petals. After the installation of the Tracker in late 2006, IPHC has continued to be involved in the Tracker operations and improvements. From 2007, in order to contribute to the data analysis, Strasbourg hosts a Tier-2 centre for the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. Since LHC running in 2010, the Strasbourg physicists are strongly involved in top-quark physics, in the search for Supersymmetry and new physics, in b-jet identification, as well as in ttH production and the Higgs boson’s properties at Run 2. Our engineers are also experts in the firmware design of front-end electronics, having responsibilities both for the operation of the new Pixel Tracker installed in spring 2017, and for the Tracker Upgrade at HL-LHC and its current beam tests.
From: France
CMS member since: 1992