IRFU, through a contract to CEA Saclay, was at the centre of the design of the CMS superconducting solenoid, the biggest ever built, with H. Desportes and J.C. Lotin as the main designers. IRFU was also in charge of the study and the follow-up of the processes of its assembly.
Saclay was deeply involved from the beginning in the design and optimisation of CMS. As members of the MB, D. Denegri and J.L. Faure were involved in all the main choices of the CMS sub-detectors’ and structure and as Deputy and then System manager, in the design and main choices of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL). The Saclay group is responsible of the ECAL laser monitoring of the crystal transparency.
D. Denegri was one of the first Physics Coordinators. The past and present analysis activities of the Saclay group covers a wide range of topics with a predominance for the physics of the Higgs boson in the two-photon channel. Precision measurements in the context of the Standard Model and the search for new particles constitute the other components of the Saclay group’s analysis activities.
Saclay focuses on the CMS calorimetry upgrades, namely the Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter (Very Front End electronics) and the High-Granularity Calorimeter’s endcap (TDC-ToA, TPG, clock distribution) as well as the MIP Timing Detector (clock distribution).
From: France
CMS member since: 1992