The University of California, Santa Barbara

UC Santa Barbara faculty have been involved in CMS since 1998. The UCSB group contributed to the silicon Tracker, the Hadronic Calorimeter (HCAL), the Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) muon system, and the High-Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) upgrade project. The group has also had software efforts in muon HLT, muon, Tracker and MET reconstruction. In physics, the group has focused on top, Higgs and SUSY. UCSB postdocs have served as subgroup conveners of SUSY, Top, EWK, Higgs, JETMET, and Trigger subgroups. Faculty have served in leadership roles in CMS including Spokesperson and conveners of the SUSY and Top groups.

The main contribution for the first decade on CMS was Tracker module and rod production in the US and installation and commissioning of the Tracker. The US produced ~7000 modules of which ~4200 were built at UCSB. UCSB students and postdocs helped lead the commissioning of the Tracker. UCSB has maintained involvement in the Tracker, muon and HCAL system operations.

About The University of California, Santa Barbara

From: USA

CMS member since: 1998



In October 1992, a ‘Letter of Intent’ was submitted to the LHC Experiments Committee (LHCC), offically marking the formation of the CMS Collaboration. This website commemorates the 25th anniversary of CMS, celebrated in 2017.